Alpha K9 is dedicated to helping you improve the human - animal bond and create the ultimate relationship with your dog. Successful dog training isn't about control - it's about mutual trust / respect and teaching your dog to make good choices.
Learning to communicate with your dog in his own language is paramount in developing the trust & respect necessary in achieving a well-mannered family pet. If you are training using dominance / force methods, you are teaching your dog to fear you. If you are training with treats, you are essentially bribing your dog and teaching him how to manipulate you. This "pez dispenser" method of training does not facilitate trust or respect - in fact, it is one of the major causes of problem behaviors.
Alpha K9 will teach you how to be a fair and effective leader. Dogs are pack animals and you become a member of the pack as soon as you bring your dog home. Because every pack must have a leader, you must have the knowledge and skills necessary to become that leader. If you fail to become the leader, your dog will begin to push his limits and compete with you for pack leadership status which will result in a plethora of problem behaviors. A true alpha is NOT dominant or forceful, but fair, balanced & humane - your relationship with your dog will develop into a partnership & your bond will be unbreakable. It's all about mutual trust & respect.
Trust Alpha K9 to teach you & your dog mutual trust & respect resulting in effective communication & successful obedience. We have been improving the human - animal bond since 1981. We offer a variety of training options - private lessons, house calls, problem-solving sessions and a guaranteed two week training program. We specialize in solving problem behaviors such as anxiety, fear & aggression issues. When you & your dog are trained using our methods, the potential for behavioral problem development is virtually eliminated!
Remember, the education you provide now is the foundation for your dog's behavior & personality for his lifetime! Learning and understanding your dog's natural language and abilities is essential in achieving the ultimate human-animal bond. Vet recommended - client preferred - dog tested. A well-mannered family pet - a relationship for a lifetime.
Always balanced ~ natural ~ humane.
Our services are recommended by:
- Cesar Millan
- Monks of New Skete
- Virginia - Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
- North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine
- Reputable Veterinarians - local & nationwide
- Thousands of Satisfied Clients
For the best in dog training equipment & supplies, go to: Alpha K9 Professional Dog Training Equipment & Supplies